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April 12th, 2024 - ALERT: Information Regarding Late Arrivals to School


Dear families and staff of P.S. 211 Elm Tree Elementary School,


We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with some information regarding students who arrive late to school.


We would like to emphasize the importance of arriving at school on time every single day. 


We want to remind you that our gates open promptly at 7:50 AM, allowing students to transition smoothly for the official start of the school day at 8:10 AM.


Late arrivals not only disrupt the flow of the school day but also hinder students' ability to engage with their peers and teachers from the beginning. This may lead to feelings of unsettlement and confusion, ultimately impacting their overall performance throughout the day. 


Furthermore, establishing consistent routines and habits, including punctuality, is essential for children's long-term success. Ensuring your child arrives at school on time not only supports their own learning but also creates a conducive environment for the learning of others.


We closely monitor both punctuality and attendance. Chronic lateness accumulates into significant missed instructional time, which can have adverse effects on academic performance. 


Additionally, frequent unauthorized absences or consistent tardiness may be interpreted as educational neglect and could prompt further investigation.


Please note that any student who has not arrived at our gate by 8:10 AM will be directed to the front of the building where families will be required to sign in their child.


If you are experiencing challenges with punctuality and would like to discuss them further, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. 


We are here to support you and your child in fostering positive habits for academic success.


Thank you for your attention to this matter.


For more information, feel free to contact Ms. Gisella Catarine, our school’s Parent Coordinator, at 929-260-0084 or through our various communication apps such as our school’s very own Elm Tree Elementary phone application.


Thank you and have a wonderful rest of your week!




P.S. 211 Elm Tree Family