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October 21st, 2022 - P.S. 211 and Our PTA Invites You to Our October 2022 PTA Meeting!


Dear families of P.S. 211 Elm Tree Elementary School,


We would like to cordially invite you to our “P.S. 211 October 2022 Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meeting” which will take place on Friday, October 21st, 2022!


We encourage all of our parents to attend our monthly PTA meetings as these meetings provide an opportunity to meet with both our school staff and our fellow parents.


During this meeting (and future meetings), our parents get the opportunity to learn about how our PTA supports our school and what they have planned for the rest of the school year.


Please be advised that this month’s meeting will be held virtually via the ZOOM platform. Please see below for the ZOOM Meeting information:



Please be advised that we are also looking to implement school uniforms for the increased safety and recognition of our students. We will be discussing this more in-depth during this PTA meeting and our parents will be able to vote on whether or not they would like to implement this within our school.


To view the official page for this event visit the following link:

October 21st, 2022 - P.S. 211 October 2022 Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Meeting Event Page


Please be advised that the October 2022 PTA Meeting will be preceded by the October 2022 TITLE 1 Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting. For more information please click on the link below:

October 21st, 2022 - P.S. 211 October 2022 TITLE 1 Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting Event Page


We hope that you’re able to join us for this event and hope to see you there!


Have a wonderful rest of your week!




P.S. 211 Elm Tree Family